about me

Hey love, I’m Reagan. I’m 23 years old with a Virgo Sun, Scorpio Rising, and Libra Moon. In Human Design, I’m a 5/1 emotional Manifesting Generator, and according to MBTI, I’m an INFP-T. I’ve spent most of my life in North Texas but lived in Southern California for three years, from ages 16 to 19.

Growing up, I was a competitive golfer and a high-achieving student. Even now, I feel like I’m still recovering from the burnout that came with being a “gifted kid.” My high school years were particularly challenging—my mental health suffered immensely as I navigated panic attacks and periods of suicidal ideation that lasted over five years. I spent so much time fulfilling others' expectations that I lost touch with myself, feeling directionless and misaligned. People-pleasing became second nature, and my motivation stemmed from a deep desire to prove myself worthy of love.

I was raised by a narcissistic father and placed in the role of the “golden child.” Being held up as an example meant I developed impossibly high expectations for myself, constantly chasing perfection. While I still work through my perfectionism and people-pleasing tendencies, I have transformed into someone my high school self wouldn’t even recognize.

My healing journey has been a profound commitment—one that has unfolded through both personal dedication and divine synchronicities. Since leaving my father’s house at 19, I have undergone multiple ego deaths and rebirths, deepening my connection with both my intuition and emotional world. I’ve explored a range of healing modalities, from traditional therapy and medication to spiritual coaching and reiki. Having experienced both ends of the spectrum, I’ve found a balance between the mystical and the grounded—a harmony that shapes my approach to life.

Before stepping into coaching, I walked many different paths. I’ve been a college student (and a dropout), a server, a nail technician, a travel photographer, and even an assistant MUA and hairstylist on a movie set. I’m no stranger to manifestation, reinvention, and stepping outside my comfort zone. My craving for adventure has led me on three solo trips abroad, the longest lasting three months. I’ve experienced both rapid, life-changing manifestations and the frustration of feeling stuck for months on end. One of the most transformative experiences of my life was navigating a false twin flame connection—an experience that shaped me in ways I never could have anticipated. I consider myself a student of life, and I will never stop learning how to better myself so I can show up as a more authentic expression of my soul frequency.

My personal approach

When I first sought help, I turned to traditional therapy. At 18, while still living at home, I was struggling with regular panic attacks and depression. My therapist provided unconditional support, offering me validation and a compassionate perspective I had never received before. Her diagnoses helped me make sense of my pain, and talk therapy became a safe space away from home.

At the same time, I uncovered the reality of narcissistic abuse in my family, which brought a profound shift in my understanding of my past. I immersed myself in psychology and scientifically backed research, clinging to academic validation as a means to prove my experiences were real. I even fantasized about specializing in narcissistic abuse, hoping my family would finally acknowledge my perspective. But this pursuit was ultimately an illusion as no amount of expertise could change their unwillingness to empathize with my experience. In hindsight, my emotional experience did not need to be validated through the label of abuse, as my emotional world should have always been honored.

After moving out, therapy no longer resonated in the same way. While I understood my past and its impact, I felt so stuck and hopeless. I could explain my attachment style but didn’t know how to actually heal. I intellectualized my trauma but remained unhappy, repeating familiar patterns of self abandonment. While gaining knowledge was an essential step, I eventually realized that healing requires more than just understanding—it demands transformation and transmutation.

For a time, I navigated my path alone. I tried antidepressants to manage my panic attacks and later discovered a life coach who approached healing from a more spiritual perspective, incorporating reiki and intuitive psychic guidance. Working with her, I experienced rapid growth. I dedicated myself to inner child healing, spending hours each day rewriting old narratives through reliving my most painful experiences and reparenting myself. She challenged my limiting beliefs, provided alternative perspectives, and deeply understood narcissistic abuse.

We also focused heavily on manifestation, particularly in achieving my financial goals. At the time, I fully embraced the belief that I could manifest anything I desired—and for a while, it worked. I reached my goals with remarkable speed. But this mindset had its pitfalls. I fell into the "twin flame" ideology, believing that if I were healed enough, I could manifest a specific person into my life. This reinforced a familiar pattern of trying to earn love, convincing myself that letting go would be a personal failure.

This experience exposed the dangers of unchecked spiritual beliefs. The idea that we create our entire reality can become self-destructive, leading us to blame ourselves for the harm others cause us. It can also create judgment toward those who struggle, failing to acknowledge systemic and external influences. True manifestation is about co-creation, not complete control. Surrender to the ebbs and flows of life show true evolution.

For some time, I fluctuated between spiritual bypassing and deep confusion, questioning what was real. While this period was profoundly spiritual, it was also disorienting. I learned that spirituality must be approached with both discernment and balance. There are many pitfalls in healing, and I hope to help others navigate them with both skepticism and openness.

My goal is to guide you toward your own equilibrium between the mystical and the grounded. I don’t believe in judgment, only in helping you find what works for you. Healing is not about fixing "flaws" but about integrating wisdom and growth. While spirituality has been one of the most transformative aspects of my journey, true empowerment comes from finding meaning in our struggles without losing sight of reality and being able to peacefully surrender to the process.

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